Thanksgiving Letters To God
As was mentioned at yesterday's worship service, we are seeking to, once again, celebrate God's provision, protection, covering and keeping throughout 2020 by writing letters of thanksgiving to God.
You can email your letters to me at:
Please do not reply all with your letters. Respond directly to me. If you want your letters received but not read at worship service, please indicate so in your email.
You can also send the letters directly to the church building at:
Reverend Randell A. Cain, Jr.
Thanksgiving Letter
Zion Memorial Missionary Baptist Church
101 North Dunleith Avenue
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
You may also bring your letters to worship service where we will collect them.
If you prefer not to have your letters read, even by me, please mark them as confidential, "Thanksgiving Letter - Confidential", and I will keep them unopened.
It is my intention, depending on our participation, to read at least one letter each Sunday in the month of November. On the last Sunday, 5th Sunday, we will have a fire ritual where we will bless the letters, those who have written them, and burn them up to be received by God. We have done this the last two years and I believe it is a blessing for us to continue to do so.
As with other means and ways we have sought to stay connected, I ask that you find a way to participate in this opportunity for solidarity as a church family.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Be blessed,
Rev. Cain