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Summer Learning Series

My Dearest Zion Memorial Church Family,

I have been so blessed to have journeyed with you through this impactful season of COVID-19. We are coming through this situation stronger and better than ever. Many of you have stepped up with a level of faithfulness and leadership that I believe is only beginning to bear fruit in our collective relationship with God.

I think many of us who have been faithfully showing up on a consistent basis will also admit that it has been tiring at times. Refreshing spirit, heart, mind and body is important to all of our well-being.

As a such, I am going to make an adjustment to our Summer learning series.

While I do want to hear back from you in terms of areas of interest, I am not going to be teaching on the topics this Summer. I am going to assist you in teaching on the topics of interest.

Now, I can imagine the reception that some of you are going to give. I am not a teacher. I do not like speaking in front of people. Is anyone going to want to listen to me?

To each one of these concerns, I will respond that I have been there, done that, and still have similar reservations whenever I stand in the pulpit to preach or at the podium (or Zoom) to teach; but, my willingness to trust God helps me to show up and do what God would have me to do anyway.

Also, with us looking to return to a more normal rhythm of gatherings at the church building, I believe we can potentially host the gatherings in the sanctuary as a step towards having HOPE Wednesday in the sanctuary in the Fall.

So, please respond to me with topics and we will work out how the topics will be delivered.

And, as you receive this message, please do not open your mouth with what you cannot do or will not do like Moses first did when he encountered God in the form of a burning bush.

Instead, remember that God promised to give Moses everything that he needed to accomplish the plans that God had in mind for Moses to undertake. And, remember that Moses did what Moses did not think that he could do. And, remember that Moses was able to do it because of God.

What a wonderful part of your testimony if you too would just step out on faith by doing something that you are uncomfortable doing that God has called you to do.

So, beloved, we will have as many lessons this Summer as you bring to me.

Be prayerful. Be thoughtful. And, then, be prayerful again.

If your spirit says yes, do not let your mouth say no. As a church member who became a minister, reverend, and, now, pastor, I know what it means to do what thus sayeth the Lord, even when you may not feel sure about doing it.

Trust God in this and get ready to be blessed and to be a blessing.

I hope some of you will trust God enough to bless Zion Memorial this summer.

Please contact me with questions and concerns.

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain



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@2021 Zion Memorial Missionary Baptist Church

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