Just A Reminder...You Are Blessed!!!
Here we are at the literal midpoint of 2021. 2020 seems like a hazy memory as the world has rushed back to some sense of normalcy despite the continued presence of Covid-19. We are making progress but we are not done with this battle just yet.
We have had challenges on so many fronts to contend with. Challenges have been social, political, and economic. It is like that sometimes in the world. And, while we can look at the world, we do not have to even look that far. We have had, are having, and will likely continue to have challenges on the homefront and I do not mean the United States. I mean whatever address that you use to call home.
In our health, wealth and relationships, we find challenges.
Compounding it all, we often have little or no control over our choices. We just have to make the best decisions that we can and face the consequences that come.
Now, when I mention we, I hope that your we is broader than me, myself and I. I hope and pray that you remember that, as a child of God, you have Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and the Body of Christ, the church, on your side as well to help you to make it through.
For, if, in the midst of all of your challenges, you can remember all who you have that are for you instead of all and what is against you, you will find out something. You are blessed.
No matter what comes against you, because of your relationship with God through Jesus Christ as guided by the Holy Spirit, you are blessed and God has prepared the way forward for you through all that you are facing right now and will face, just as God made a way for you in the past.
You are able to be in the battle right now because God has blessed you with the longevity of time to reach this point in your life.
It is not time to give up. It is time to remember. So, here is your reminder. You are blessed!
Paul put it this way in Ephesians 1:3-4, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love."
Beloved, God has always planned to bless you. Unlike our plans, which are really masquerading as our hopes and desires, God plans and brings His plans to pass. He needs no help, just cooperation.
God loves you and you energize the blessings of God in your life by loving God. From Heaven, God plans and on Earth, God's plans are revealed.
God has chosen you to be the repository and recipient of His blessings. God made this decision before the world was created. God wants you to be with Him and like Him, holy and blameless, perfected for the perfect place at the perfect time. And, you cannot do it without Him. He knows this and the greatest blessing is that He has made the way for you. All you have to do is trust and believe in Him.
Is it easy? No. Is it hard sometimes? Yes. Can you do it? Maybe. I say "Maybe" because it all comes down to one thing. You have to remember the most important thing. And, the most important thing for you to remember and to hold onto is that you are blessed.
Just a reminder.
I want to remind you to connect for Noonday prayer. It will help you to remember that you are blessed.
I want to remind you to connect on Zion's sermonic message on The Light radio/internet broadcast at 3pm. It will help you to remember that you are blessed.
I want to remind you to connect for worship service on Sunday morning, in-person is phenomenal if you can do so. It will help you to remember that you are blessed.
Beloved, all of God's creation is a reminder for you to remember that you are blessed. Do not let the challenges of the world blind you to that fact. Let the challenges of the world cause you to celebrate life and love because you are blessed.
Just a reminder, you who are blessed, remember, God loves you and I love you too!
Be blessed,
Rev. Cain