Getting Something From God
Beloved, I am still glowing from the presence of so many of you who chose to join us on Sunday. It was truly a blessed time in the Lord. I am prayerful that more of you, especially as you get vaccinated, will yearn to gather with the church family so that we may praise and worship the Lord together. Over time, other parts of our coming together like Sunday School, altar call and praise in song will be added. We will do so as God guides us. Is that not what we want from God, to guide us in the way that we should go? Now, some will give the religious answer of "Yes" and some will be more honest in manipulatively saying, "I want my will to be God's will for me" like their faith is an a la carte experience when in reality we should desire for God's will to be our will so that we can experience a buffet of blessings. Jesus, COVID-19 Jesus for those who remember Sunday's sermon, gave a process and protocol for you to get what you want from God; but, it is going to cost you something. You see, beloved, the key to opening up the heart of God is to give back to God and others what God has given to you. The key is love. Love, God's way, is not about you getting what you want. It is about you actually giving to others what God desires for them to have and experience, God's love. In John 15:12-14, Jesus said, "This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you." Beloved, do understand that Jesus was speaking to those who would lay the foundation for the church, His disciples. And, as anyone knows, a building is as good as the foundation and the foundation of the church is love for those who are in the church and then extending that love to others outside of the church. As a child of God, you cannot and should not look past the church, look past Jesus, look past God and expect to get anything from God by simply asking for it...even if you slap "In Jesus' name" on it. And, God looks for evidence that you are doing what is asked of you. As the Body of Christ, we are supposed to represent Jesus wherever we go. It is a call on our life. Jesus put it this way in John 15:16-17, "You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name. I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another." Beloved, that middle sentence says it all. You are supposed to be a fruit-bearing, praise-giving, God-affirming Christian...if you want and should expect anything from God. And, the source of your fruit is love which also happens to be God. Some people jump to the middle sentence and ask for things in Jesus name without understanding that they have got to turn on the power source first. They have got to love others as God has loved them through Jesus Christ as guided by the Holy Spirit. So, don't blame God when you ask in Jesus name and do not receive. Make sure that you give the love of God that you have received, bear fruit worthy of God and Jesus, seek to do God's will, and then ask for what you believe will bring God glory. And, when you get it, make sure that you keep on loving yourself, love the church, and love others...that is if you want to get something from God. Beloved, I encourage you to connect with us to get something from God by loving your brothers and sisters in Christ enough to invest your time in Noonday Prayer, in the sermon broadcast on The Light, and at HOPE Wednesday at 6:30pm. God has something for you; but, you have got to come to God the correct way, not your way, God's way. And, God has shown you God's way so that you will know two truths. Those truths are God loves you and I love you too! Be blessed, Rev. Cain
