Don't Know What To Do? Ask God!!!
I must ask your forgiveness for the tardiness of this message. I got busy with some other things and am now making sure that I fulfill my commitment to providing the Wednesday word to you as I have done for every Wednesday for the last few years. Please charge my lateness to my head and not my heart that loves you dearly.
When it comes to fulfilling our commitments, do you ever struggle with what to do and how to do it? Do you sometimes have a problem with getting going even if you know the right thing to do? Does life seem to sometimes get in the way and you find that even when you want to do the right thing, the right thing is not what you always do?
Well, beloved, join the human race in this thing called life.
That is why, although God gave us a free will, part of our free will is to choose to do what God would have us to do...even when we do not want to do it.
As pastor, I have had countless conversations with those who know the right thing to do but struggle with doing the right thing. People know that they are supposed to come to church if they can; but, they do not always do what they know that they are supposed to do. People know that they should read their bibles and study God's Holy Word like we will be doing this evening at 6:30pm for HOPE Wednesday; but, many, hopefully not most, will find something else to do. People know that they are best served when they honor their vows to God like when you promised that you would serve God faithfully for that healing that you or the one you love got, for that job that you or the one you love needed and wondered if it would be provided, for that reconnection with someone who you or the one you love had been having a difficult time with; but, vows are broken while God remains faithful.
Thank God for God being God and God not being like us.
You see, when you don't know what to do, you can turn to family, friends, and others but you would be best served by doing something else. Ask God!
Psalm 25:8-9 tells us, "Good and upright is the Lord; therefore he instructs sinners (read that as 'US') in the right way. He leads the humble (read that as 'those who think more about and of God than they think about and of themselves) in what is right, and teaches the humble (again, read that as 'those who think more about and of God than they think about and of themselves) his way."
Basically, if you don't know what to do, the best thing for you to always do is to ask God. God will always teach you and show you what is right never wrong. Your best life is right there for the taking if you will receive what God is offering.
Beloved, we will be connecting with the God who knows best at Noonday Prayer. If you want what is best for you, connect with us if you can.
Beloved, we will be connecting with the God who knows best on our sermonic message on The Light radio/internet station at 3pm today as well as on Thursday at 3pm on Praise Break Gospel Radio on the Live365 app, an exciting new opportunity for connection launched by Brother Kim Spears. If you want what is best for you, connect with us if you can.
Beloved, we will be connecting with the God who knows best at 6:30pm this evening for HOPE Wednesday. If you want what is best for you, connect with us if you can.
And, Beloved, on Sunday morning, we will be connecting with the God who knows best at 11pm for morning worship service in person, on Facebook Live, and via Zoom Teleconference. I will say that our in person worship has been incredible. If you want what is best for you, connect with us if you can.
Beloved, connecting with God is the best way for you to know what to do with your life. You did not create yourself. God created you to give God praise, honor and glory. And, God wants to guide your life so that you will not fail in doing so.
Because God loves you and I love you too!
Excited about connecting with you! And, before you decide not to connect, ask God. God will tell you what is best.
Be blessed,
Rev. Cain