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You Are Really Special To God!


We are another Wednesday, another week, another month closer to regaining some of our freedoms that COVID-19 has robbed us of. Prayerfully and hopefully, you are doing everything within your power as guided by the Holy Spirit to be wise and discerning in keeping yourself safe and healthy during this time. Your family needs you to be safe and healthy. Your friends need you to be safe and healthy. We, your church family, need you to be safe and healthy. And, God needs you to be safe and healthy.

Why? Because you are really special to your family, friends, and church family.

And, you are really special to God.

Now, many of us know the song, "Yes, Jesus Loves Me" with the end of the chorus being "For the Bible tells me so."

Exactly what does the Holy Bible tell you that lets you know that you are loved and are special to God?

Romans 5:6-9 reveals, "For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. Indeed, rarely will anyone die for a righteous person - though perhaps for a good person someone might actually dare to die. But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us. Much more surely then, now that we have been justified by his blood, will we be saved through him from the wrath of God."

Beloved, God is a God of love because God is love. God's love is a jealous love where God desires to hold onto all who will love Him and He will reject those who reject Him.

Blessings and rewards await those who love God. For those who reject Him, curses wrath. Not my words. God's words. And, God's words have to be held as true.

Also, found in the truth of God's words is the fact that God has chosen to love the most undeserving, undesirable, unworthy to bestow His love upon.

Who am I addressing? US!!! YOU AND ME!!! THE WHOLE WORLD!!!

If our strength is found in Christ covering our weakness, then when we were at our true weakest point in life, without Christ, He died for us so that we could be strong in Him.

His timing was perfect because God makes no mistakes.

His work was sufficient because God makes no mistakes.

And, in His salvific gift, exchanging His life for our lives so that we can have eternal life, we are made righteous and justified before God because God makes no mistakes.

For God to do that for you, you must be really special to God.

And, know that you are really special to God; otherwise, God would not have done what God did for you.

And, beloved, on this day, I hope and pray that no matter what you go through, you will hold onto that very thought. You are really special to God!

Today, I encourage you to connect for Noonday Prayer and HOPE Wednesday at 6:30pm, both via Zoom teleconference and/or videoconference. Every day, we are getting closer to deliverance from the restrictions of COVID-19 without eradicating it, just as we are growing in Christ to keep getting deliverance from the restrictions of sin without totally eradicating it. Stay faithful! Stay connected! I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon.

And, remember, God loves you and I love you too!

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain

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