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Masks and Meals - Your Support Requested


The church has been allocated masks for those who are in need, emphasis on need. A limited number of masks have been left at the church. Please reach out to the church secretary before going by. If we need more, I will do what I can. Deacon Grace has been able to supply some as well through his community social activist group, The Twenty. If others have access, please let us know.

Also, the work of the Lord is still going forth at Zion. We served 33 people today at the Food Pantry who were also able to get materials for sterilization as well as masks to keep them safe.

In terms of the feeding of those in need, we do have some items that we need to help restock the Food Pantry - canned green canned beans, canned corn, canned peas, canned fruit, soup, Vienna sausages, tuna, Ramen noodles, cereal, peanut butter, and jelly. If you can help in any way, please do so by reaching out to Sister Susan Mitchell.

Beloved, God is blessing us. Let us continue to say thank you to God by being a blessing.

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain

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