Leaders Lead!!!
As I have often said, "We are all leaders in Zion Memorial."
As leaders, we need to make sure that we are still finding ways to lead during the COVID-19 pandemic. During trying times, God has never left His people or forsaken His people. He has always provided leaders.
As leaders of the various auxiliaries and ministries, I am asking that you pray about, think about, and then take action guided by the Holy Spirit in finding ways to stay connected and present with your auxiliaries and ministries.
Some activities have had to be cancelled, some have been postponed, some are being anticipated to be completed and some may be in the process of being completed such as the Food Pantry today and ongoing.
We should be thoughtful and intentional in the decisions we make around these activities. For, we are prayerful and hopeful that, one day, we will be able to reengage with our auxiliaries and ministries in a safe and responsible fashion.
We need for our leaders to help us to stand in today and look back to what was as a foundation but to also look at what is happening right now as our reality and then look forward to what we can hopefully do on the other side of this as revelation from God.
Even the decision to cancel and postpone an activity is an active decision and should not be an afterthought.
So, let us be thoughtful, prayerful, and intentional in how we lead during this time.
As a church family, we have access to Zoom technology for videoconferencing and teleconferencing. So, if you need this platform to connect, let me know and we will find a way forward.
Again, as the subject line says, "Leaders lead!!!" So, leaders of Zion Memorial, please be the leaders who God has called you to be.
And, remember, God loves you and I love you too!
Be blessed,
Rev. Cain