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God Knows More Than What You Think


First, good morning and I do mean good morning. This is the day that the Lord has made, even with COVID-19, and we shall rejoice and be glad in spite of COVID-19.

How can we rejoice with people getting sick all over the world? How can we rejoice with people dying all over the world? How can we rejoice with people having to keep from getting close to each other all over the world? How can we rejoice when it seems like God is failing us all over the world?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, it is

times like these when the world most needs to see us rejoice because we know something about the God who created all things that have ever been, are currently, and will ever be created.

And, when we search the word of God, His word speaks something to us that should keep us encouraged and strengthen our faith.

Psalm 147:1-5 tells us, "Praise the Lord! How good it is to sing praises to our God; for he is gracious, and a song of praise is fitting. The Lord builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the outcasts of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of the stars; he gives to all of them their names. Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure."

I am hoping and praying that you are safely connecting with other people during this time of social distancing, quarantining, and isolation for your well-being. Calling, texting, emailing, and video chatting are great ways to stay connected.

But, most of all, I hope and pray that you are staying connected to God who knows exactly what He is doing during this time when none of us really know.

The first part of these verses speaks of what God has done for Jerusalem and Israel. He is not limited to Jerusalem and Israel. Where faithful people to God exist, He is still building up and gathering.

The next two verses deal with how He heals and binds. God is still healing and binding during this time. Some are getting sick and some are dying; but, do not be overwhelmed by the negativity associated with such news because some are staying healthy and some are getting well.

And, from His vantage point, He sees all and knows all. The stars that you do not see in the sky, God sees. And, God placed them in position. And, when we discover them and name them, God already knew their name.

I want you to focus on that just a little bit. Beloved, when a cure for COVID-19 is found, I am trusting and believing that it will simply be God choosing the time when He wants the cure to be revealed in the world. As you begin to praise others, do not forget to praise God who already knows exactly when and how all of this will end.

And, as you praise Him and think of Him, know that He never ceases to be God to us and for us. His greatness knows no end.

As our wonderful choir, led by Sisters Brenda Robinson and Carol Perry, has sung on many a Sunday, our lives are simply an expression of His goodness and His grace, mercy and love that makes our lives possible and that is why we should always say that we are grateful for all that He has done for us, whether, in the moment, it seems good or bad.

As you know that, know that God knows that and God wants you to praise and appreciate Him because of that.

God knows more than what you think He knows because God loves you more than you could ever truly know.

Therefore, God looks past flaws and failures and sees great hope and expectation in the world, in the world's inhabitants, and in you.

COVID-19 is not a season of the absence of God's wisdom, love, understanding and power. It is a season in which it is and will be revealed.

Beloved, on this Wednesday, HOPE Wednesday by title of our time of gathering for an Hour Of Power and Encouragement, I hope and pray that you will feel the presence of the Holy Spirit inside of you to remind you of the omnipotence of God, the omnipresence of God, and the omniscience of God.

The omni God can do all, sees all, and knows all. And, He knows how He will bring His sons and daughters through this time.

Be encouraged and be loved. God knows what He is doing even when we do not.

As another word of encouragement, I strongly suggest you trust in God and not the television, radio, newspaper, magazine, or internet. I am not suggesting that these media sources are fake. I am simply suggesting that they are limited.

Be knowledgeable but also be faithful. Knowledge of fearful things can make you fearful...instead of faithful. Be faithful.

In faith and confidence, not arrogance, turn on your favorite television show, maybe a comedy, and smile and laugh. Put on some of your favorite music and dance. If you can, while practicing social distance, go for a walk and experience more of the beauty of God's creation.

You see, while you do not know what today or tomorrow will bring, God does.

So, you have a choice. You can reject the blessings that God gives day by day can rejoice in trusting that God knows more than what you think.

I miss you and I cannot wait to safely be with you again. I am trusting that God will bring that day to us all again.

And, remember, God loves you and I love you too!

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain

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