Be Humble
As I type out these words to you, I do so with a bit of a burden in my heart. Being Pastor of this great, wonderful, dynamic, living, loving, and growing church family is one of the great joys of my life; but, in the process, sometimes difficulties come with the package. As I have written to you previously, difficult people can sometimes be blessings in disguise as they help to build up your faith muscles and love muscles that would not happen in any other way. But, building muscle is work that is sometimes painful and tiring.
What would make the job easier? It would be easier if people would be more humble.
Humility does not make you a lesser person. No, it shows that you are willing to look at yourself in a more honest and circumspect perspective whereby you know that you are not all that. We are all flawed in some way. We are all gifted in some way. That is what makes us human.
But, we are all blessed in one way. That way is our relationship with God. When we see ourselves and our ways as more important than God's ways, that is a problem...even if we say that we are doing it for the Lord.
It is also a problem when we see other people as pawns in us getting our way rather than seeking God's way.
As the coronavirus is spreading fear and hesitation as it makes it's way around the globe, prideful thinking and acting does the same thing in our relationships with people.
Is there a better way? Yes. Be humble.
Many of us try to gain prominence, prestige, fame and favor by shining the spotlight on ourselves. For some, it works. For the many, it fails. As a result, the masses are frustrated at the successes of the few because the masses can never replicate the success of the few.
But, God never intended for it to be that way.
When asked by His disciples who would be the greatest, not on earth, but in the kingdom of heaven, Jesus said in Matthew 18:4, "Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
Okay, when we all get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be. But, what about the here and now?
But, what about here on earth? Heaven-bound, eternity-minded Christians should care less and to care more is careless regarding what happens here on earth. Heaven is our ultimate destination and our time here is just a dress rehearsal for what is to come.
Are you practicing for heavenly greatness or are you worrying about temporal earthly rewards?
The latter will inspire pride which leads to destruction of relationships and self. The former will lead to humility that will bring you closer to the heart of God.
As with all things in life, it is a choice. Choose wisely. Be humble.
God would appreciate it. Your family and friends would appreciate it. Your coworkers would appreciate it. Your church family would appreciate it. And, to be a little self-serving, your Pastor would appreciate it.
You see, I simply want you to be the best you can be and it gets no better than being the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.
So, be humble.
I hope to see you tonight at HOPE Wednesday as continue our journey through the Wisdom Literature by finishing Ecclesiastes and preparing for Song of Solomon. I pray you will come and join us. Get the pride out the way and do not stay away. Be humble and come and see what God has for us.
Invite someone to come with you. They need to be blessed too.
And, remember, God loves you and I love you too!
Be blessed,
Rev. Cain