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What Should You Do?


It is cold. It is raining. It looks gloomy outside, a day better spent wrapped up in a blanket or under the covers watching your favorite movie or tv show. And, you know what else? It is a great day to be alive.

I am so excited about what God is doing for, through, and by Zion Memorial Missionary Baptist Church and I hope and pray you are excited too.

Now, my excitement is not and cannot be contained by what happens on Sunday morning. No, I am excited about how God continues to move, change and transform our lives individually and collectively so that we should boldly and courageously face each and every test with the expectation that God is simply giving us another opportunity to have a wonderful testimony of His goodness, greatness, and love.

I am excited about Thanksgiving Day which is quickly approaching. My family, the Cain family, is going to set aside a time to remember those who we have lost with a ritual of fire and light as well as a balloon release to commemorate the homegoing of my father. Yes, beloved, we should continue to celebrate our God in our times of grief and bereavement knowing that He is still our rock, sword, shield, and refuge in the time of storm. Those gone are not to be forgotten. They, especially for those who die in Christ, are to be remembered to encourage those of us who still have an opportunity to make a difference for the cause of Christ on this side of glory.

Now, before getting too theological and religious, in the vein of keeping it real, I am also looking forward to the turkey, ham, candied yams, macaroni and cheese, collard greens (Gilbert Moore's greens are the bomb), green beans, rice and gravy, potato salad, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs, rolls, cakes, pies, and sweet tea, all shared with a gathering of treasured family and friends. I know I left something out but I think I have given you enough to make your mouth water.

But, when I put it all together, my religion and my real, I know that I am blessed.

My true blessings, those things that I should be most thankful for, come from my relationship with God.

As the Apostle Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus in Ephesians 5:8-10, "For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light - for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true. Try to find out what is pleasing to the Lord."

This quest, finding out what is pleasing to the Lord, motivates my life as it should every Christian.

I thank God for my time without Christ. I know what it is to live my own way and watch it be unsatisfying and limiting. I now am overjoyed and thank God for my life with Christ. I know what it is to live God's way and watch how He blesses me more than I deserve and gives me more than I can ever imagine, including my dear Zion Memorial.

So, now, I live. I live for God. I live for Christ. I live by the power of the Holy Spirit. I live so God can use me to be a child of light to help to lead others out of darkness. I try, although I fail sometimes, to do what is good, right and true.

Now, you might say, "Well, you are the pastor. That is what you are supposed to do."

Beloved, my title designates my function in the church family but it does not define my relationship with God.

My being a Christian defines me as a redeemed son of the Most High God and, in giving thanks to God, I want to do what pleases Him the most.

What should you do?

If you are a Christian, then you are a redeemed son or daughter of the Most High God and, in giving thanks to God, you should want to do what pleases Him the most.

Sounds good. Sounds easy. It is good but sometimes it is hard.

Thank God that God knows that and to make it easier on you, God has sent God, God the Holy Spirit, to dwell inside of you to remind you, to encourage you, to lead you, and to guide you so that you can do what pleases Him the most.

Thank you God.

What should you do?

Let us all, including me, thank God by giving our lives to Him in such a way that others will see the light within us, be drawn to the light, and let us tell them about the light that we have found in Jesus, Jesus the light of the world.

What should you do?

You should get ready to enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving time with treasured family and friends, eating some of your favorite food, and just enjoying this season of your life.

What should you do?

You should remember that God loves you and I love you too!

That is what you should do.

I hope and pray that you will have an incredibly joyful Thanksgiving in whatever way God leads you and with whoever God provides you!

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain

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