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If You Need It, God Has Got It


Life has a way of bringing us to certain points and times when we have to separate our needs from our wants. Things that we want are discretionary, not absolutely necessary. Our needs, unmet, will lead us to disaster and, ultimately, death. Please remember that God, in Jesus Christ, desires that you have life and have it more abundantly.

In the wilderness, in traveling from Egypt to the Promised Land, the Israelites needed food not a three-course dinner. And, what did God do? God gave them quail from the earth, manna from the sky, and water from a rock. Why? God knew that they needed it.

In our health, wealth, and relationships, we all have needs, things that are not discretionary but very necessary for us to make it day by day. We need food, clothing and shelter to live. We need money to live. And, we need other people to live.

All that we need, God can and will provide.

In our families, some of us have experienced sickness and loss of loved ones. We have grown tired, weary, and maybe even despondent at times. Did we tell God about it? He has what we need.

In providing for our day to day existence, some of us have experienced job loss, demotions, pay cuts, or been looked over, passed over, and unrecognized for what we know we can contribute and be rewarded for. We have gotten frustrated, angry, and maybe even been ready to quit without knowing where the next opportunity would be. Did we tell God about it? He has what we need.

As we strive to live together in harmony, some of us have experienced hurtful words, harmful interactions, neglect, discrimination and felt like unwanted, unappreciated, second-class citizens. We have gotten disappointed, depressed, and maybe even thought that, at the greatest depth of our darkness, suicide was a more attraction option than trying again for another day. Did we tell God about it? He has what we need.

Beloved, God knows everything that you are going through and God knows everything you need to make it through.

Romans 8:32 tells us, "He who did not withhold his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, will he not with him also give us everything else?"

God gave us Jesus to save us from our sins, to offer us salvation, and to seal us with the promised Holy Spirit so that we know that we are bound for glory.

Between this side of glory and the other side of glory, God knows we have to deal with this thing called life. It is not easy but it is the necessary pathway for our transition to be with Him one day.

God does not have you living a challenging life so that you can earn your salvation. No, it is quite the opposite.

You see, everyone, saved and unsaved, goes through challenging times; BUT, because you are saved, you have God there with you to help you to make it through.

So, my beloved mothers and fathers in Christ, sisters and brothers in Christ, sons and daughters in Christ, here is the recipe for your challenging hour, day, week, month, year, LIFE.


Now, you do not have to do it; but, the alternative is for you to keep on struggling with what you cannot completely understand, consistently control, or definitively conquer...OR you can tell God about it and let Him give you what you need.

It is a lifestyle decision. If you choose to live the best life you can live, then you have got to choose the God who has given you life and life everlasting.


He knows what you need. He has got what you need. And, He will give you what you need.

If you need it, God has got it and God has got you.

Tonight, we, the church family, will be studying about "God's Timing". I believe it may help to answer some of the questions that you may be struggling with in your faith walk with God. I pray you will come as we gather for the hour 6:30-7:30. You come and bring someone with you.

And, remember, God loves you and I love you too!!!

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain

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