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Work It Out

My Dearest Zion Memorial Missionary Baptist Church Family,

How I missed you on this past Sunday. I enjoyed my time away; but, I always miss my time, our worship time, when I am away. I have heard and I trust that you were blessed in my absence by our anointed speaker, Reverend Cooper.

We need our time of relaxation and our time of vacation. While God is a 24 hour a day, 365 day a year God, when God came to earth in Jesus, God the Son, Jesus also took time to relax. He earned it because He worked so diligently in being faithful to the call in His earthly life.

We also need to be faithful to the call on our lives. We need to work. We need to work out our faith.

As we know that God is working it out for us, we need to work it out too.

Now, it is amazing how some people seem to work out harder when others are watching; but, when no one is around, motivation wanes, desire falls, and execution lags.

It should not be so.

Why? Someone is always watching us. Who? God.

And, God wants to see you work it out, not so much your problem or situation without God. God wants to see you work out your faith as evidence of your salvation.

The Apostle Paul put it this way in Philippians 2:12-13, "Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed me, not only in my presence, but much more now in my absence, WORK OUT your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure."

Whatever it is in your life that needs a good, faith-filled, and faithful work out, show your trust and belief in God and work it out.

Work it out in your health...all for the glory of God because God is watching.

Work it out in your wealth...all for the glory of God because God is watching.

Work it out in your relationships...all for the glory of God because God is watching.

God saved you so that you could work it out in God, by God, through God, and for God's pleasure.

Beloved, if you work out harder when others are watching, know that God is always watching you and is working it out with you. So, GO FOR IT!!!

God will never leave you! God will never forsake you! And, God will always love you!

And because God loves you, is there for you, and will help you to work it out, let no anxiety, worry, or fear keep you from doing just that.


We will be working it out tonight at HOPE Wednesday as we discuss the Summer Mini Lesson Topic, "Training Up A Child". I truly believe every single person in the church family will benefit from our gathering. Do not miss the benefit and do not miss the blessing. Come and bring someone with you.

And, remember, remember, remember, as you work it out, God loves you and I love you too!

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain

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