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Happy In(dependence) Day

Church Family,

Happy 4th of July!!! 🇺🇸

It is the day that we celebrate our country’s independence. I pray that as we reflect on this day, we will also reflect on the fact that where we are in history is all a part of His story that we are living out.

Independence is a bit of a myth. We are all dependent on someone or something and somewhere in our lives. I cannot be me without you also being you. And, none of us would be anything without our God who created everything. Amen!

Okay. Okay. No sermon just a little perspective.

Enjoy the day!

Also, please keep the Perry family in prayer. Mother/Sister Lillian Perry lost her brother, William Shannon. The funeral will be Tuesday in Lancaster, SC at 2pm. Further details will be shared as provided.

Pray for each other. Through our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, we are all in(dependent) on His incredible, all-sufficient, and overflowing grace and mercy.

And, remember, God loves you and I love you too!

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain

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