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Keep On Thanking God!


My incredible, wonderful, awesome, amazing church family. My Zion Memorial Missionary Baptist Church Family. Sunday was a phenomenal day with Sunday School, morning worship, and one of the most fantastic Pastor's Aides Anniversary celebrations that I believe we have seen in a long time. You showed up with the Holy Spirit and we had a high time in the Lord. Union Baptist has given me many positive accolades for our hospitality, warmth, friendliness and love. God bless you, one and all.

For everyone involved, from President Hazel Baskin to those who moved furniture out of the sanctuary to make room for Union's musicians, I pray that you will know that your labor was not in vain.

We are a growing church - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. And, we are becoming known for our love.

In our growth, as God continues to bless us, I pray that we will never hesitate to thank God and make our thanks of and for God known to all those around us.

If you are reading this right now, I want you to say out loud, "Thank you God for all you have done for me. You have done so much and I cannot and will not keep it to myself."

You see, when you share the good news, the Gospel, about what God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit has done, is doing and will do for you, it changes the world around you.

Therefore, you need to keep thanking God in a way that others can see what God is doing in you and through you.

In the Gospel according to Mark, when Jesus healed and delivered the man who had many demons in him, the man wanted to follow Jesus. Instead, in Mark 5:19, Jesus told him,

"Go home to your friends, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and what mercy he has shown you."

Beloved, we say that we should give people their flowers, signs and acts of appreciation, revelation of thanks, while they are living.

Well, we serve a living God who will outlive us. Should we not give God His flowers, signs and acts of appreciation, revelation of thanks, while WE ARE LIVING?

Today is the day before the world celebrates Thanksgiving. Many will cease from daily routines to join together with family and friends.

While we can talk about the many things we are thankful for, will we tell our family and friends, like we sing, "Thank you Lord for all you have done for me."?

And, then, like with our letters of thanks to God (that you still have time to write), will we tell at least a little about what God has done for us?

May we, in this season and the seasons to come, keep on thanking God!

Just a reminder, we will not have HOPE Wednesday for the rest of the year. Thank you for our journey through Revelation.

I pray that you will have an enjoyable, safe, and loving Thanksgiving holiday with your family and friends. Just remember to take some time to thank our God who makes it all possible.

And, if you have family and friends who will come into town to visit you, bring them to gather with us at Zion Memorial on Sunday morning so that we can share more of our love and hospitality with those who you love and who love you.

And, remember, God loves you and I love you too!

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