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All In The Family


It is Wednesday, HOPE Wednesday, and I am looking forward to seeing all of you this evening. Next week, I get to have Thanksgiving dinner with the Cain family, my blood family. Tonight, I get to feast on the word of God with my treasured church, my under the blood of Jesus family. I love both and I know I am blessed to have both in my life.

With both families, as scripture tells us, they will know us by our love.

We have all kinds of people and personalities in our families. Some we like more than others. Prayerfully, your like is not the same as your love for others. As we mature in Christ, we learn to love those who we may not always like. Just trying to keep it real.

And, in loving those who we may not always like, God has a word for us in how we are to deal with each other.

1 Thessalonians 5:14-15 tells us,

"And we urge you, beloved, to admonish the idlers, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with all of them. See that none of you repays evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all."

So, when someone is slow in doing what you know they can and should do, tell them about love.

So, when someone is ready to give up when you know they can and should go on, tell them about love.

So, when someone has reached the point where they do not believe they can go on but you believe that by the evidence of the breath of life still in their body that they can make it, tell them about love.

In love, you tell them so that you do not berate, discourage, or beat down those who are already feeling, thinking and acting less than their best.

Be patient with them.

Why? Take a look in the mirror and say, "God, thank you for being patient with me."

And know, just as we sometimes sing about how we want others to treat us, "Please, be patient with me, God is not through with me yet."

Remember, we, as the body of Christ, are all in this together. Remember, we are all in the family.

Church family, tonight we will finish our study in the book of Revelation. We are truly at the "good good" part where, through the vision of John, you will see what awaits you in eternity on the other side of glory. I am excited for you to be there to receive what God has for us.

I want to thank all of you who have journey through this text. I pray that it has been elevating, illuminating, and edifying for you in mind, heart and spirit. I have enjoyed I want to thank all of you who have journey through this text. I pray that it has been elevating, illuminating, and edifying for you in mind, heart and spirit. I have enjoyed our time together as always. I pray that you will come to share and bring somebody with you. And, remember, God loves you and I love you too.

Be blessed, Rev. Cain

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