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God Has Always Been There For You


In this season of Thanksgiving, I am so excited for all of us. The Rams and the Aggies are thankful for homecoming celebrations and victories. I pray you enjoyed the festivities and are ready to be back with us through the holiday or Holy Day season as I like to call them. I just love Thanksgiving and Christmas and then the anticipation of the New Year.

In our time with family and friends, it is easy to revel in coming together over dinners, parties and festivities; but, I would ask that you make sure that you do not leave one out, God.

Nothing that you have done, are doing, or will do is possible without God and sometimes it can be so easy to forget the one who makes it all possible.

But, without God, where would you be? Without God, who would you be?

Psalm 90:1-2 reveals,

"Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God."

Beloved, God has always been there for you.

How might your day, your week, your month, your year, your life be different for the better if you always remembered the God who is always there for you?

Recently, I was asked by someone to be a part of an organization at the leadership level. I was honored by them asking. It was tempting, key word is "tempting", to just say "Yes"; but, I told them that I appreciated them asking and had to pray about it.

Each time I prayed about it, quickly, the Holy Spirit told me "No." And, I asked and prayed more than once. Each time, "No".

I do not know why the answer was "No"; but, I have learned and am learning to trust God more than anyone or anything else. I do not always get it right; but, I always learn something when I do it God's way and I also learn something when I do not do it God's way.

I am getting better at making decisions, especially important ones, because I do know that God is always there for me and He will lead me and guide me without me ever worrying that He will lead me astray.

So, I had to tell this person "No" and he said that he understood. He then asked me if I would reconsider.

I told him I had already prayed about it and God had given me the only answer that I needed.

Beloved, God always has the only answer that you need. Do not seek to satisfy the fleeting desires of fleeting people.

Instead, seek to please the everlasting and almighty God who has always been there for you.

In seeking to please Him, I ask you to consider doing two things.

First, come, without excuse, to HOPE Wednesday for the next two Wednesdays. We are wrapping up our study on the book of Revelation and I want you to know what your destiny looks like. And, bring somebody with you.

Second, write your thanksgiving letter to God for us to hear on Sunday. Four wonderful letters were read on this past Sunday, letters that were heartfelt, moving, and edifying regarding our individual and collective relationships with our God. I pray you will not miss this opportunity to share in something unique but so much a blessing to our church and our God.

If we believe that God has always been there for us, let us strive to be there for our God and the people of God.

I hope to see all of you excuse.

And, I hope to hear more of those wonderful thanksgiving letters.

And, remember, God loves you and I love you too!

Be blessed,

Rev. Cain

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