Jesus Is Speaking. Are You Listening?
It made my Thanksgiving complete to see so many of you on Sunday. As we say, "Everyday is a day of thanks giving." So, thank you for giving me some of your time as we came together to worship our God.
It is important for us to come together because there is always someone or something competing for your mind, your heart, even your spirit or soul.
You need to know who to listen to when the world and others are trying to pull you in one direction or the other.
In John 18:36-37, Jesus said,
"My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here...For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice."
Jesus made a couple of things very clear. His kingdom is not an earthly kingdom although He does have dominion over the earth. In His earthly form, He was preparing for His kingdom to come. His followers are supposed to be kingdom builders.
It is only through receiving and embracing the truth that we are His followers and His kingdom builders.
His testimony was true. Those around Him were witnesses to the truth of His testimony.
We have record of His testimony in the Holy Bible. And, we have revelation of the truth in the world today as we seek to follow Him.
In our seeking to follow Him, we must listen to His voice that speaks through scripture and through the Holy Spirit that dwells in the believer.
So, as you hear all of these other voices in the world, have you made it a priority to listen to the truth - not their truth, not even your truth, but His truth? You should.
We must test our lives against the truth of God and make sure that we are listening.
Do not seek agreement from the world. The world, as is, is not His kingdom. Seek agreement from above, from the one who is preparing you for the kingdom to come when His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Make your way to Bible Study this evening where we will be seeking more of His truth. And, since this is the season of giving, give someone else the chance to receive some truth as well by inviting them to come along with you.
See you tonight as we study about Mary the mother of Jesus.
Be blessed,
Rev. Cain