Online Giving
Church Family, Good morning on this blessed last Sunday in 2020. God has been incredibly faithful to and over us throughout all we have...

Merry Christmas - You Are The Light Of The World
Beloved, We are just a few hours from Christmas Day and I was thinking about you. I was thinking about how the light of the star of...

All Things New
Beloved, We are just TWO days before celebrating Christmas Day, the birthday of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. On that day, a...

Do Not Fear
Beloved, We are almost one week away from celebrating Christmas Day 2020 and what a day of rejoicing I pray it will be for you, your...

An Unexpected Gift
Beloved, For those who were with us on Sunday, you will recognize the title of this email as being the same as the title for our current...

Spreading Christmas Love
Church Family, I am so thankful for all of the connections that we have had during the COVID-19 pandemic. God has blessed us to continue...

First Sunday
Beloved, The excitement of the month of December surrounding our approach to the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, cannot...

Conformity Is Overrated. Be Transformed!
Beloved, We are in the Advent season, the time before the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, Jesus the Messiah. I imagine...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
My Beloved, Wonderful, Amazing, Remarkable, Incredible Zion Memorial Missionary Baptist Church Family, My greatest hope and desire for...

Remember And Thank God!
Beloved, We are one day away from Thanksgiving Day. Many are preparing for meals with likely a smaller gathering of family and friends...